
I know that the default behavior since 2.? has been only one DDE server allowed.
Is it possible to back-hack this restriction?

I asked similarly a while back
and Roger replied:
"It was done through some low-level hacks to create new C functions on the fly, which set off DEP and crashed in a 64-bit build. "

http://python.net/crew/pirx/win32/dde.zip (http://www.koders.com/cpp/fid7F744C525820DA799D8AB0484F2F97152DF30852.aspx?s=setwindowshookex) is apparently an older implementation and attempting to import the included dde.pyd fails with "<type 'exceptions.ImportError'> : DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found."
whether placed in Python27\DLLs or Python27\Lib\site-packages\pythonwin.
I assume that it would need to be compiled with MVC2008/Py2.7 to hope to work...

I have a legacy 6 year old DDE client app that I would really like to support with a new data server...


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