On 15/06/2011 13:51, Jacob Kruger wrote:
I know I can do a version of manual import/export process to do
something like either backup all relevant attributes of some or other
object to something like a CSV, or XML string rendition, and then
save that to a file easily enough, but just wondering if there's any
simpler way to render an object/class instance to a string rendition,
and then to maybe reiterate the original object later on..?

TIA (and not too important, but just wondering)

The standard Python way is the pickle module:


If your objects are very simple (basically core Python objects)
then marshal is lighter and faster:


There are definitely other options out there. The stdlib has
recently included JSON support:


and there are definitely third-party options as well. Just
Google for "python object serialisation" or something.

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