Tim Golden wrote:
> Thanks for posting. Nothing's jumping out at me I'm afraid.

I've had another chance to look at this today and have found a workaround using 
win32com.client but still cannot figure why it exempts when using the WMI 

Using WMI module
HD =  
HD.Address = 30

Results in the error;
wmi.x_wmi: <x_wmi: Unexpected COM Error (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0,
 u'SWbemObjectEx', u'Provider is not capable of the attempted operation ', None,
 0, -2147217372), None)>

Using win32com.client and rewrapping it using wmi._wmi_object() after setting 
properties works correctly.
HDobj = win32com.client.Dispatch("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")\
HDobj.Address = 30
HD = wmi._wmi_object(HDobj)

Any ideas? The win32com.client is a really ugly hack.

Graham Bloice wrote:
> In the Python call to AddVirtualSystemResources() you've reversed the order 
> of the parameters.

Additionally the method signature for AddVirtualSystemResources() returns
<function AddVirtualSystemResources (ResourceSettingData[], TargetSystem) => 
(Job, NewResources[], ReturnValue)>
Which is backwards to the previously demonstrated powershell example.



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