On 19/07/2011 12:21 AM, reckoner wrote:

Thanks for your reply. I'm using the Python extension described here:


Basically, the natlink.pyd file is called ( after being registered with
regsvr32 ) indirectly by the speech recognition engine. Thus, if the
natlink.pyd file is built using, say, Python version 2.6, and I have
another version of Python installed, say, Python version 2.7, then when
the functions inside of natlink.pyd are called, they need to somehow be
able to figure out the correct Python path and other linked libraries.
So, I'm not sure how this works in terms of the registry and how Python
figures out which Python version it should use and where the
corresponding libraries are.

There is absolutely no problem having multiple installations of Python if they are different versions - so just install both 2.6 and 2.7.

Any ideas here? I would like to have multiple Python installations on
the same machine so I can migrate between two versions, but I admit all
of this registry stuff is confusing to me and I don't imagine it will be
so simple as simply changing the Python path.

The registry stuff is only needed if, say, you wanted to different 2.7 installations on the same machine.

Thanks in advance and for all your great work bringing Python to us
Windows users.

My pleasure :)


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