> From: Jacob Kruger <bandi...@gmail.com>
> To: python-win32@python.org
> Subject: [python-win32] Trying to make use of pyAudiere
> Message-ID: <PC1760201108161557350376609ccfbb@JacobKruger-PC>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> http://www.pyaudiere.org/
> >From within either the interpreter, or from within my own .py files, it 
> >always seems to complain about importing (internally) numpy.core.multiarray 
> >module, but on the second import call to audiere itsself, it's fine, and 
> >works well enough.
Sadly to say, there doesn't seem to be much development for packages
which support audio processing for Python.
I hadn't heard of pyAudiere until your message was posted. PySonic was
the only other package I was aware of, but that hasn't been updated
since 2005 and only has installers for windows.
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