
I am trying to automate some of the iTunes control using python.  So far I
have been able to manage:

- Add tracks to iTunes library
- Create Playlist in iTunes
- Delete Playlist in iTunes
- Add tracks to Playlist

I haven't found any help online for:

- Renaming a playlist
- Rename track info (Track Name, Album name, and artist name)

Any kind of pointers or help would be greatly appreciated

Example to add tracks to a playlist:

import win32com.client

iTunes = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch("iTunes.Application")
libraryTracks = iTunes.LibraryPlaylist.Tracks
track = libraryTracks.Item(5)
print track.Name
playlist_1 = iTunes.LibrarySource.Playlists.Item(15)
print playlist_1.Name
#playlist = win32com.client.CastTo(iTunes.CreatePlaylist('Test'),
playlist = win32com.client.CastTo(iTunes.LibrarySource.Playlists.Item(16),



Riz Hossain
Engineering Physics (B.Eng)
Software Test Specialist
Research In Motion
295 Phillip Street
Waterloo, ON N2L 3L3

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