
sorry if this is a bit off-topic, but i think many people here must
have the same concern, and have to cope with it somehow.

i am developing a Windows project using Python. the final executable
file .EXE and its libs will be generated with py2exe.

my concern is that: even if the binary is without the source, the code
is still Python bytecode.
and as far as i am aware, it is pretty trivial to reverse the binary
back to the Python code. (i am not very sure which tools can be used
to reverse Python-based .exe files, though)

i have few questions:

1) how serious this problem is in your opinion? is it really true that
it is impossible to protect the binaries from reversing?

2) how efficient are the reversing tools on Python binaries now? would
be great if somebody can share some experiences on using those tools.

3) if it is true that it is quite trivial to reverse the Python
binaries, how are you currently protecting your binaries? perhaps with
some obfuscated tools, making it much harder to reverse?

please share your ideas. thanks so much,
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