I’ve read through numerous posts on how to get this to work, but I’ve
realized it is time to ask for help.
In general I have a COM object that returns an event handler:
    event_source = com_object.newEventSource(
arg_data )
I’ve tried establishing the connection points necessary by creating
an event class derived on the sink co-class of this event source:
    class Events(win32com.client.getevents(COM_LIB.CLSID)):
I included all of the methods that were mentioned in the generated code
from makepy.  From there I tried to utilize
DispatchWithEvents to connect the listener:
    event_monitor =
win32com.client.DispatchWithEvents( event_source, Events )
Everything seems fine at this point, but when I use try to listen
it never seems to fire:
    rc = win32event.WaitForSingleObject( event_monitor.event,
I’ve even tried (even though I don’t think it is necessary for
single threaded applications):
However that didn’t seem to have any impact either.  No matter what I try – I 
can’t get my
handlers to fire.  I have sample code on
how to do this in C++, and I have already taken the sample Java code and have
my own version of that working; however I’d prefer to use Python if I can get
it to work.
I can provide my code (or the samples), but it is somewhat lengthy
so I was hoping someone would see what I was missing right away?
Any ideas would be appreciated.
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