On 13/04/2012 9:14 PM, Pulsonix Tech Support wrote:
We have an ActiveX scripting host implementation in our application
(written in C++), so that users can run scripts to access our data from
inside the application.

Current problem is that iterating from Python script doesn’t work right.
You can iterate through a collection, but attempts to do this a second
time cause application crashes or unexpected behaviour. Seems to work
okay from VBscript though.

This may be because we are not raising StopIteration exception when
iterator.Next() has no items left. But I can’t find any information
about how to do this from a C++ scripting host implementation.

win32com has some iterator support built in, but was done way before Python itself had proper iterators so probably isn't ideal. The most basic support is enabled when the object has a "Count" property and an Item() method. Some support for IEnumVARIANT also exists, but it requires you to wrap the object in win32com.client.util.Iterator - which I should possibly revisit as we might be able to make that seamless.

How are you attempting to expose iteration?

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