On 18/05/2012 9:00 AM, Alan Trick wrote:

I have two smallish python modules, one which runs a service, and the
other which puts a notification icon with a trivial menu on the
windows panel (these modules are quite similar to existing examples in
pywin32). Both of these modules work fine by themselves. However when
I try to create the notification module from the service, I get
troubles. I'm starting the service using
win32serviceutil.HandleCommandLine, and it works fine in debug mode
(as long as I'm running as Administrator), but when I try to start it,
the notification code fails and it won't add the icon; and when I try
to stop it, it wont' stop and just hangs.

The main problem that I can identify right now is that my calls to
win32gui.Shell_NotifyIcon fails. It raises a pywintypes.error(0,
'Shell_NotifyIcon', 'No error message is available'). Does anybody
know what this means, or have any idea how to figure out what it

Services don't have access to the desktop which is there the notification bar lives. The usual way to implement this is with 2 processes - one for the service and one for the taskbar, and to implement some kind of RPC between them, such as a named pipe - one of the service samples uses a named pipe so that should get you started.


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