> Note you can write the service directly in Python using pywin32.  If
> you want to write the service using some other technology and just
> spawn Python, then I'd suggest using just CreateProcess.  But with
> both CreateProcess and ProcessStartInfo, you need a way to
> redirect output from the Python process so you can get diagnostics
> from the output - just telling us it is "unsuccessful" doesn't help us
> tell you what problem you have.

Yeah, that was exactly my problem; I had no way to diagnose what was going on, 
and needed a springboard to tell me what I needed to know in order to figure 
out what was happening (or not).  I could verify that the script *worked*, 
since I could run it from a DOS prompt without errors.  But when I ran it using 
CreateProcess (and ProcessStartInfo), I didn't see it execute (since it would 
have created a file in its directory).

However, your answer that I can write it directly with pywin32 intrigues me, 
especially since I'd rather develop in Python anyway.  I'll go see what's 
involved in doing that.  Thanks for the pointer!
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