On 23/06/2012 14:03, Radek Holý wrote:
> I was advised to look at the ``MappingStrings`` qualifier. So far it
> seems that the only way is to list ``MappingStrings`` qualifiers of
> all properties.

Ahem. That was embarrassing. It appears that I already knew about the
MappingStrings qualifier, because that's the attribute behind the
.provenance attribute I already mentioned for methods. For some reason
I'd never thought of looking for it on properties.

So in the svn trunk I've added it to properties and enhanced the
wmiweb app so that, where this is a mapping string, it shows up
as a tooltip (visually hinted by a dotted underline).
Note to self: do a release at some point soonish.


Thanks for the tip, Radek.

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