Fox, Michael K wrote:
> ...
> def*GetDirection*(/self/, oDirection=(0,0)):
>               return/self/._ApplyTypes_(1611137025, 1, (24, 0),
> ((24588,3),), u/'GetDirection'/, None, oDirection)
> Occasionally pywin32 assigns the wrong identifier then the argument is
> cast as the wrong data type and an error is thrown.  We stumbled upon
> the correct identifier and when we corrected the identifier assigned
> by Makepy then we were able to call the method without throwing an
> error.  Where can we find a list of these identifiers?

Some day, I will write this down instead of having to go look for it
every time.  The master reference for this information is the include
file <WTypes.h> which is part of the Windows SDK.  That has a very short
explanation of each type, plus the numeric value.

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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