
You probably know that Python3.3 has a completely new implementation
of the import system:
(yes, import is now written in Python!)

But there is a missing feature: it has always been possible to install
Python modules in the Windows registry: "import foobar" would open
the registry key "Software\Python\PythonCore\3.2\Modules\foobar"; if a
file name is found there, it's used to import the module; this
effectively bypasses the search in sys.path.

I know that pywin32 used to install its modules this way in the old
times.  Nowadays the same feature can be achieved differently, by
using sys.meta_path for example.

Is this feature still used?  Where?
Is it acceptable to not support it anymore, and suggest developers to
use a more modern method?

Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
python-win32 mailing list

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