On Sun, Sep 16, 2012 at 01:05:26PM -0700, Fredrik Kant wrote:

> I have a problem when installing the pywin32-217.win-amd64-py2.6.exe (from
> Source Forge) when I installed python 2.6 using the python-2.6.amd64.msi.


> I managed on the server installation to copy the pythoncom26.dll,
> pythoncomloader26.dll and pywintypes26.dll to the standard DLL's directory.

Not sure that's going to help sort out the problem, but I'll take the
opportunity to mention that every time I tried to build and package
pywin32 on Windows Server, the installation failed because the installer
couldn't find some or all (can't remember precisely) of the DLLs you
mentionned above, and I had to manually copy them. Once they were installed,
pywin32 worked like expected.

My 2 cents.

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