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On 5/11/2012 12:08 PM, Rob McGillivray wrote:
Hi Mark,

Much appreciate the feedback! Many thanks.

I'll try writing something to a file and check this out … I never
thought that the event log service could/would stop(?). Doesn't the
event log service run continuously and support all Windows services
logging requests? Or do you get some handle to an 'event logger'
object upon launch of python service.exe? I do have a book on NT
Services that I'll peruse a little more based on your feedback.

My understanding from your chapter on services is that the service
only ceases to 'exist' once SvcDoRun ends, so I thought I was safe
signaling on SvcShutdown event. If the shutdown is happening so
quickly, then I am concerned, because the 'cleanup/shutdown' code may
take 10-15sec to complete. I thought I could advise the SCM of this
delay, since the default timeout shows a wait hint of 5sec? Clearly
my understanding is a little foggy here, so any enlightenment would
be appreciated.

That's generally correct - although you should probably still do the shutdown work in the DoRun methods - the shutdown notification is likely to come in on a different thread.

Also appreciate the comment on the fragility of my use of events.
It's my first time using them, and much of what I coded I
'translated' from the NT Services book (written in C++). Funny thing
is that I started with sleep function as you describe with a timeout
of 1000msec, and then 'improved' it to it's current state. I'll
recode it in the light of your feedback. Thanks again.

PS: I also bought your Programming Python to teach this old(er) dog
new tricks, and it's been a great read, showing a sense of humor and
comic relief quite devoid most dev books on my shelf. :-)

Thanks :)

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