On 1/02/2013 8:26 AM, nigel middleman wrote:
Hi Mark

Hope you can help I' am a 3D artist who creates scripts for Maya and I'
am wanting to use the Pyhton-win32 to library. I' am using Maya 2013.5
which requires python 2.6 but the version supplied via the vendor has
been compiled in VS2010 requiring all libraries to be recompiled in this
version of Visual Studio.

This is a bit of a long shot but would you have a version of
python-win32 for WIN64 compiled in VS2010 for python 2.6.

I don't - unfortunately it would be a little painful to do as none of the Python build tools, which pywin32 uses, support building with the non-default compiler.

You really should contact the vendor - all Python extensions will have the same issue, so the best fix is simply for them to use the correct compiler.


If you are able to be of any assistance with this I would be truly grateful.


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