(back on this list now)
Ok, this might be a slightly silly thought/idea/project, but, it's partly an 
experiment, to do with real time keystroke event handling/processing and 
sound playback  triggering/interruption, etc., and it's sort of a starting 
point of 
something like a real-time, audio, platform game type app, done using 
python, and using things like sound_lib, keyboard_handler, 
accessible_output (those modules from http://hg.qwitter-client.net/), along 
with LBC (layout-by-code) module, etc. to currently handle keystrokes, and 
sound effect playback.

However, what it comes down to is to wanting to make it possible to sort of 
bypass something like current sound playback, or interrupt it, and 
re-initiate the playback for the same object/sound file, etc.

Anyway, if you'd like to have a look as such, and give me your 
thoughts/feedback, here's the source code thus far, in a zip file:

The two versions of the main code file are platformGame.py and 

For what might also offer (minor) interest, am also making use of the class 
in the XmlDictObject.py file to convert XML data to and from a dictionary 

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'
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