Hello Mark,

 >>> import win32com.axscript.axscript
 >>> import win32com.axdebug.

And see if that works?  If so, maybe try and edit 
win32com\axscript\client\framework.py, find the error message you reported and 
print some details of the exception to try and determine why it can't
find that module...

I can find axscript only as .pyd in
and axdebug as directory

I tried to import axscript directly in my code with disabled debugger
  import win32comext.axscript.axscript
and got the following error message:
  ImportError: No module named win32comext.axscript.axscript

PYTHONHOME contains the path to the root installation directory
and PATH too.

Any remarks?

Many thanks and greetings

On 14/02/2013 8:32 PM, Udo Weik wrote:
Hello again Mark,

thanks for your answer.

Debugging should work "out of the box" - what problems are you seeing?

I'm using a Delphi-component. That component checks whether the
ActiveX debug interface is available (Windows Scripting Host, WSH).
When I start my app, I get the following error message:

Project XYZ.exe raised exception class EOleSysError with message
'Script engine does not support debugging.'.

You could try registering the script engine with debugging support -
change to the win32comext/axscript/client directory and execute
"python pyscript.py --debug".  Then, before loading the script
engine, execute "python -m win32traceutil".  In the win32traceutil
window you should see some output generated - hopefully something
there will point us in the right direction.

yep, many thanks for that hint. Tried it with the following result:

pyscript.py --debug
Registered: Python (for debugging)

...Python26\Lib\site-packages\win32comext\axscript\client>python -m

Collecting Python Trace Output...
Object with win32trace dispatcher created (object=None)
in <win32com.axscript.client.pyscript.PyScript instance at
0x03436AA8>._InvokeEx_-InitNew() [1,0,None]
in <win32com.axscript.client.pyscript.PyScript instance at
0x03436AA8>._InvokeEx_-SetScriptSite(<PyIActiveScriptSite at 0x02B64BA0
with obj at 0x02159724>,) [1,0,None]
Debugging extensions (axdebug) module does not exist - debugging is
in <win32com.axscript.client.pyscript.PyScript instance at
0x03436AA8>._QueryInterface_ with unsupported IID IActiveScriptDebug32
in <win32com.axscript.client.pyscript.PyScript instance at
0x03436AA8>._QueryInterface_ with unsupported IID IActiveScriptDebug32

I'm a little bit confused - registering for debugging was possible, but
the debug extensions aren't found. Just as a hint: I didn't use the
installation pathes.

Many thanks and greetings

On 11/02/2013 3:07 AM, Udo Weik wrote:

I want to use the standard Python 2.6 distribution from
www.python.org as a Windows Scripting Host (WSH) scripting
language. Is there any way to get debugging working with the
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