Objective:  Extract Currency Value (not Date) from given file.

Content of file: [["1234567890","Your previous month point is QR 5,200.33.Your 
current month point is QR 1,15,200.33, Last Year total point earned QR 
5589965.26 and point lost in game is QR -11520 your this year subscription will 
expire on 19-04-2013. 9. Back"]]

What I have done so far:
def read_file():
        fp = open('D:\\ReadData2.txt', 'rb')
        content = fp.read()
        data = eval(content)
        l1 = ["%s" % x[1] for x in data]
       return l1

    def check_currency(l2):
        import re
        for i in range(l2.__len__()):
            newstr2  = l2[i]
            val_currency = []
            print " List %s " %  val_currency
            for i in range(len(val_currency)):
                val2 =  val_currency[i]
                remove_commas = re.compile(r',(?=\d+)*?')
                val3 = remove_commas.sub('', val2)
                print val3

     if __name__=="__main__":main()

Ouput of check_currency:

>List ['5,200.33', '1,15,200.33', '5589965.26', '-11520', '19', '-04', '-2013']

Expected Ouput of check_currency:

List ['5,200.33', '1,15,200.33', '5589965.26', '-11520']

Problem with output:  I am getting date in currency value which it should not. 
What alteration should I do in my regex to complete???

Thank You

Dharmjeet Kumar

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