This has also been discussed in the GUID thread, but I am bringing it back
to this one...

I have basically completed the work of breaking adodbapi up into a package
of smaller modules. It has really helped to make the code more readable.
There is now a "remote" module, so that a programmer (on Windows or Linux)
can do:

import adodbapi.remote as db
conn = db.connect('some connection string")

and expect the resulting connection to operate pretty much as if it were a
local database connection.

There is also a server module:
C:>py -m adodbapi.server host=

Tearing the old monolithic module apart was key to making those happen.
But now I am having trouble getting the legacy code in the test suite to
handle some obscure cases.

The easiest way out of my problem requires the use of explicit relative
imports -- which were introduced in Python 2.5.

Can we (please) drop 2.4?

(P.S.: the "remote" and "server" modules require Pyro4, which in turn
requires Python 2.6)  I have carefully isolated the prerequisites so that
they do not appear unless you try actually using the new routines.)

On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 5:29 PM, Mark Hammond <>wrote:

> On 28/03/2013 5:18 AM, Roger Upole wrote:
>> Python 2.4 is VS.Net 2003 (aka VC7).
>> If we can drop support for Windows 95/98/ME while we're
>> at it, it would eliminate some more maintenance headaches.
>> At this point in time, even dropping Windows NT isn't unreasonable.
> Agreed.
> Mark
>>      Roger
>> "Mark Hammond" <> wrote in message
>> news:5151967F.3020006@gmail.**com...
>>> I've been happy to drop support for a couple of years, but while it kept
>>> working I kept building it :)  I can't recall if 2.4 is
>>> built with vc6 too - if so, we might as well kill that too.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Mark.
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