> -----Original Message-----
> From: python-win32 [mailto:python-win32-
> bounces+graham.bloice=trihedral....@python.org] On Behalf Of Christoph
> Groth
> Sent: 30 April 2013 00:51
> To: python-win32@python.org
> Subject: [python-win32] Cython-generated module crashes after importing
> C++-extension compiled with MinGW
> Hi,
> We've developed a (BSD licensed) computational Physics package for
> that is to be released in the coming days.  It works flawlessly on
> systems.  I have, however, considerable problems trying to make it to
> under Windows as well.  (I'm using Windows XP SP3 inside a virtual
> I've managed to make the package actually work, but upon exit of a
> script that imported it, the following message is shown:
> "This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an
> way.
> Please contact the application's support team for more information."
> I have managed to bring down the problem to a small test-case, a
> with three files:
> **************** problem.cc **************** #include <Python.h>
> PyMethodDef functions[] = {{0, 0, 0, 0}};
> extern "C"
> void initproblem()
> {
>     PyObject* m = Py_InitModule("problem", functions); }
> **************** setup.py **************** from distutils.core
> import setup, Extension module = Extension('problem', language='c++',
> sources=['problem.cc']) setup(name='problem', version='0.0',
> ext_modules=[module])
> **************** test.pyx **************** import problem
> ********************************
> I build and install the package with "python setup.py build" and "python
> setup.py install" using the following software:
> * Python 2.7.4 from http://python.org/
> * MinGW 3.20 (gcc 4.6.2), installed using mingw-get-inst-20120426.exe
> This works and the module "problem" _can_ be imported from within a
> Python interpreter.  Importing from a cython-generated executable,
> however, fails: When I build test.pyx using
> cython --embed -a test.pyx    (with Cython 0.19 on linux)
> gcc -IC:\Python27\include -LC:\Python27\libs test.c -lpython27   (on
> windows)
> and run the resulting executable a.exe, I get the error message quoted
> above.
> Strangely, changing "language='c++'" to "language='c'" in setup.py fixes
> problem.  However, this is not a viable solution as it only works for
the toy-
> example.  (The real module uses C++-features like templates heavily.  We
> are using it in our large Python package that contains Cython-generated
> modules.)
> Does anyone have a clue how this issue could be resolved?  Any help is
> greatly appreciated!
[Graham Bloice said]

Can you mix compilers with Python extensions, I thought you should (must)
use the same compiler as the version of Python you are using is built with
due to the compiler run-time library being used?  See
python-win32 mailing list

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