On 8/05/2013 11:29 PM, Christian K. wrote:

The following code has been suggested to me to get a handle to Outlook's
mapi session.

from win32com.client import Dispatch
from win32com.mapi import mapi
app = Dispatch('Outlook.Application')

The MAPIOBJECT would then have to be cast to a IMAPISession object. How
would I do that? By calling the PyIMAPISesison constructor with MAPIOBJECT
as argument? Unfortunately I was not able to find the PyIMAPISession class
in the pywin32 namespace nor when digging through the source.

<PyIUnknown at 0x020D0F20 with obj at 0x003A53DC>

It should be something like:

from win32com.mapi import mapi
session = app.GetNamespace('MAPI').Session.MAPIOBJECT.QueryInterface(mapi.IID_IMAPISession)

Note that a good resource for working with MAPI from pywin32 is the spambayes project, and particularly:


For reasons that escape me now, it does things differently - after creating the Outlook.app object, it does:

        logonFlags = (mapi.MAPI_NO_MAIL |
                      mapi.MAPI_EXTENDED |
        self.session = mapi.MAPILogonEx(0, None, None, logonFlags)

to get the session. Note however that that code was written against Office 2000, so some things - especially work-arounds etc - may well have changed



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