When running  from a *"Run As Administrator"* prompt on Windows 7
Professional 32-Bit,

my Top-level python script spawns a process (which is another python
script) using os.spawnv( )

When the top-level script ends, it attemps to call
win32process.TerminateProcess() with the handle
that was created during the os.spawnv() call.

    win32process.TerminateProcess(self._handle, exitCode)
pywintypes.error: (5, 'TerminateProcess', 'Access is denied.')

is displayed.

This runs on Windows XP just fine. Obviusly, Windows 7 is more stringent
with security concerns.
We use Python 2.3, so subprocess and multiprocess are not available.

I don't understand why this is an issue when running from the "Run As
Administrator" prompt.

Are there any other workarounds- until we migrate to Python 2.7?

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