On 4/16/2014 7:48 PM, Mark Hammond wrote:
> As far as seeing the print statements, you can modify the source file to
> have "import win32traceutil" at the top, and in another console run "python
> -m win32traceutil" - the print statements from the source file should them
> appear in the console running win32traceutil.
> However, I don't think this will help you find the crash - it might let you
> see what *does* work, but probably not what doesn't.  Ideally you would
> attach explorer to a debugger and see where it crashes - even without debug
> symbols you might get some clues as to where it is crashing.  Given your
> other alternative is to write a shell extension in c++, you probably already
> have access to the tools necessary.

Thanks for the insights, Mark.  I'll pursue those and see how far they get me.

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