Quick question - might have asked it in past, but not sure - but, issue is 
while was quite happy with using sound_lib to handle/implement playback of 
audio clips of iether MP3, or WAV formats, partly since it could handle minor 
implementation of audio effects like stereo panning, and pitch/frequency 
changes easily enough, as well as letting me easily set/get starting points for 
playback, etc., there, again seems to be an issue with dependencies, or 
something when I now compile the executables using cx_freeze - here's the info 
from a person who tested/tried out something for me:

---collected information---
cx_Freeze: Python error in main script
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\cx_Freeze\initscripts\Console.py", line 
27, in <module>
  File "bzPersonal.py", line 13, in <module>
  File "C:\pythonScripts\personalAssistant\bzPersonalAudioBooks.py", line 4, in 
 line 3, in <module>
line 1, in <module>
 line 2, in <module>
 line 14, in <module>
 line 62, in <module>
 line 32, in load_library
 line 39, in _do_load
  File "c:\python27\lib\ctypes\__init__.py", line 353, in __init__
WindowsError: [Error 126] The specified module could not be found
---end info---

Seems to me like it's not managing to load some or other external library file, 
but, am including the sound_lib dependency file folder collected by calling 

Am however now using cx_freeze to handle compilation, since py2exe doesn't seem 
to handle some of the wx elements am making use of, but, had thought that that 
function call should still collect relevant files, and thought placing them in 
the sound_lib folder, in same location as executable should work - and it does 
on my development machines, as well as a couple of other forms of test machine 
have here, but, they've both got some development software installed, so not 
most reliable in terms of end-user testing, and, the above error info is what 
popped up on an actual end-user's windows7 machine, but anyway.

Either way, was just wondering, aside from sorting out this specific issue, 
what other relatively simple/clean audio playback modules can you guys suggest 
that would at the very least offer forms of stereo panning, and start/stop 
positions - in terms of stop, would either prefer to have playback stream run 
in background by itself, or if really need to, could implement my own threading 
playback threads, as long as could then stop them when I wanted to, but, main 
things are stereo panning, and being at the very least able to choose the 
playback starting position for an audio clip, and, yes, will want tohandle both 
.MP3 and .wav?


Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
"Roger Wilco wants to welcome you...to the space janitor's closet..."
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