I also meant to mention that pythoncom has grown support for vtable-based *incoming* interfaces - eg, used by content-sinks/event-handlers - so if Dragon has "partial" support for IDispatch-based interfaces you might be OK.


On 14/05/2014 3:37 PM, Mark Hammond wrote:
On 13/05/2014 2:57 PM, Eric S. Johansson wrote:
back in 1999ish, joel gould wrote the following and I want to know if it
is still true. am planning on converting the 2.7ish natlink to 3.X some
time over the next year. need to decide if I should leave the C++ code
alone or can we go pure python?

It hasn't changed for this use-case, so a pure-python solution probably
isn't viable (unless you want to investigate using comtypes).

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