I have tried and failed to like another Python IDE  -including the $$ ones.

 They all feel like they have 'static language envy'.

PythonWin does the best job of being an IDE for a *dynamic* language IMO (largely due to the cunning 'psuedo-shell', and also dynamic lookup for 'completion' etc).


I find myself installing PythonWin under Wine -although it feels like a somewhat unnatural act.

1. A small fix (in case someone else tries it).

The install on Wine goes fine (Specifically: Python 2.7.8 win32 from msi installer, and then pywin32-219.win32-py2.7.exe -on Mint 17 both x64 and 32 bit machines)

-but when launching PythonWin   I get an error:

unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'int' and 'NoneType'

..at line 91 of keycodes.py (which lives in c:/Python27/Lib/site-packages/pythonwin/pywin/scintilla)

My fix was simply to edit keycodes.py and change:


return vk, flags | this_flags


return vk, flags | (this_flags or 0)

I was too lazy to work out why vk, this_flags = get_vk(toks[-1]) returns None in the second item.

If someone wanted to make this change (or a better one) the PythonWin IDE would at least start under Wine.

2. A workaround
I can't seem to enable the debugging toolbar *but* if I (try to) check it,*and restart* -it is there.

3. Does anyone have any other warnings/fixes/'run away' advice etc?

Is PythonWin under wine a known bad plan? A world of pain for serious development, perhaps? Any wisdom appreciated..


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