You probably need to run " -install" as many of the .pyd etc files don't know how to locate pywintypesxx.dll when it is just in the build dir.



On 8/10/2014 4:44 AM, Bharath Ramesh wrote:
I cloned the pywin32 repository and I am trying to build version 219
locally on my windows setup so that I can then use it in our project.
I am hitting an issue where during the install step I get the
following error as pop up window

"Python for Win32
The application can not locate win32ui.pyd (or Python) (126)
The specified module could not be found."

If I dismiss the window I get another error after a little bit

The program can't start because pywintypes34.dll is missing from your computer.
Try reinstall the program to fix this problem."

The way I am building pywin32 is as follows

1) Set the path to MSSdk and set DISTUTILS_USE_SDK=1
2) Our automated build server using mingw so
env -u MAKE python build
3) My install step is
python --no-compile --skip-build --prefix d:\\build\\pywin32\\staging

I am trying to figure out why I am getting the error about unable to
locate win32ui.pyd and missing pywintypes34.dll.

Ideally, what I am would like to achive is after I build pywin32. I
would want to place all the files required for pywin32 in a staging
location that I can later package as part of my deliverables. Once I
cx_Freeze my application.
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