Thanks for your answer

Visual Studio 2008 still used the stupid "side-by-side" DLL installation
> technique.  What that means is that compiler doesn't just embed a link
> to MSVCR90.dll -- it embeds a link to a specific version of
> MSVCR90.dll.  (As of today, there are SIX such versions.)  Side-by-side
> DLLs are intended to be installed centrally, in the \Windows\WinSxS
> directory tree.  If the version you need is in the central repository,
> it will use that one.  Otherwise, it looks elsewhere, including in a
> subdirectory of the application, assuming the manifest allows that.
> So, the likely story here is that one of your machines has the latest
> Visual Studio 2008 Redistributable Runtime installed, and the other does
> not.

I don't think this is the issue. Here is a excerpt from the Dependency
Walker log:

    LoadLibraryExW("server.dll", 0x00000000, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH)
called from "c:\windows\syswow64\REGSVR32.EXE" at address 0x00B720FF by
thread 1.
    Loaded "c:\proj_py\gtxl\vba\dist_a\SERVER.DLL" at address 0x10000000 by
thread 1.  Successfully hooked module.
at address 0x74580000 by thread 1.  Successfully hooked module.

I see this in the logs obtained when registering both versions of my DLL
(one complied on each machine).

However, in the log of the version that fails I see this a little later on

    LoadLibraryA("msvcr90.dll") called from
"c:\proj_py\gtxl\vba\dist_b\_CTYPES.PYD" at address 0x1D1A9742 by thread 1.
    Loaded "c:\program files (x86)\intel\icls client\MSVCR90.DLL" at
address 0x59090000 by thread 1.  Successfully hooked module.

So, for some reason this other version is also being loaded. That leads to
subsequent errors.

When I hide the intel files I see this instead of the above (and, although
the second line shows an error, the DLL registration proceeds successfully)

    LoadLibraryA("msvcr90.dll") called from
"c:\proj_py\gtxl\vba\dist_b\_CTYPES.PYD" at address 0x1D1A9742 by thread 1.
    LoadLibraryA("msvcr90.dll") returned NULL by thread 1. Error: %1 is not
a valid Win32 application (193).

I don't know what to make of this. Why would the LoadLibrary call from
_ctypes.pyd not be directed to the DLL in winsxs as well?
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