
Sorry Greg, as I was the only recipient of the message, I didn't take care to dispatch email to full python-win32 list.

I work a few since my last email and yes, I have several questions and comments about use of win32com through SolidWorks API.

1-/ I tried makepy and the result was the same, but with google and patience I found a way to make my functions work.

There is for me some suprising behaviour :

e.g. :

Open a doc works as :

    def openDoc(self, path, docType):
model, errors, warnings = sw.OpenDoc6(model_path, cst(docType), swconst.constants.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, '', pythoncom.Missing, pythoncom.Missing)
        model.Visible = True
        return model

while getting parameters function get5 works as :

    def params(self,ipart,cfg):
        ext = ipart.Extension
        custPropMgr = ext.CustomPropertyManager(cfg)
        pNames = tuple(custPropMgr.GetNames)
        pValues = []
        for item in pNames:
            valOut = VARIANT(pythoncom.VT_BYREF | pythoncom.VT_BSTR,'F')
resolvedValOut = VARIANT(pythoncom.VT_BYREF | pythoncom.VT_BSTR,'R') wasResolved = VARIANT(pythoncom.VT_BYREF | pythoncom.VT_BOOL, 0) res = custPropMgr.Get5(item, False, resolvedValOut, valOut, wasResolved )
            v_wR  = wasResolved.value
            v_wasResolved = valOut.value
            v_valOut = v_wR
            v_resolvedValOut = resolvedValOut.value
            pValues.append([v_valOut, v_resolvedValOut, v_wasResolved])
        return pValues

In first case only byRef parameters are needed and then they are returned as triple with the normal result in usual language (model) In second case, if you don't give a correct typed parameter, it raise an error : type mismatch or missing (in case of pythoncom.missing) Moreover, it don't return as I hoped : normal_result, byref1, byref2, byref3 = custPropMgr.Get5(...) but only normal_result = custPropMgr.Get5(...)
and byref results returned in defined variables (made with VARIANT)
Note : returned parameters are not in the right order (seems to be in reverse order) not really important, except in loop, because types are not always the same, so you must init vars in the loop!

2-/ Note : this also works without making a makepy module (very interesting for future use because nothing special to do)

We have a kind of common experience, because my first use of Python and solidworks (not together) happens when I worked with MSC Marc/autoforge Non-linear finite element softwares.

Thanks for your support and your french encouragement.
Greg wrote:

I only use SolidWorks occasionally, and I have never tried to use its API. But, it's on my computer and I knew what to look for based on my prior experience with a finite element pre/post processor called Femap, so I was able to help.

If you have further questions, it is best to send them to the discussion list rather than directly to me, even if I eventually answer them. Everything sent to the list is archived, so other people with similar problems may be able find answers in the archives. That's why I sent my answer to the list, too.

Bonne chance, et bon courage.

- Greg

Gregory W. Antal
Senior Technical Advisor
ATA Engineering, Inc.
13290 Evening Creek Drive South, Suite 250
San Diego, CA 92128

858-480-2072 (Phone)
858-792-8932 (Fax)

Pascal wrote on 3/6/2015 12:20 AM:

Thank you so much Greg for your quick reply.
I will try it asap.
I saw several times references to makepy but it was usually confuse for me and I didn't understand really what is behind it.
Your explanation is very clear and I understand better its utility.

Maybe, I'm a bit curious, but you seems to know Solidworks, do you use Python with it ?

Thanks again and have a good day.

Le 06/03/2015 01:47, Greg Antal a écrit :
Pascal wrote on 3/5/2015 2:22 PM:

I'm not an expert, I just want to experiment python with SolidWorks
I'm trying to use its DLL with some success, but unfortunately, with some errors :
File "<COMObject <unknown>>", line 2, in Get5
com_error: (-2147352571, 'Type mismatch', None, 5)

I'm not sure about error comment, it's a translation because my python is in french language.

Here is a simplified extract of code :

app = win32com.client.Dispatch('Sldworks.Application')
part = app.ActiveDoc

docext = part.Extension
custPropMgr = docext.CustomPropertyManager('ma_config')
pNames = tuple(custPropMgr.GetNames) # return array of strings

for item in pNames:
      print(item) # string is well printed
custPropMgr.Get5(item, False, var1, var2, var3) <== error happens here

I tried several things but I didn't reach to pass correctly the parameters to the Get5 method. I think the problem is with the ByRef parameters, because I already used many method with ByVal parameters and it works rather fine.

I tried : var1, var2, var3 = custPropMgr.Get5(item, False) as suggested somewhere but it didn't works

this method is described as below in the solidworks API help:

Visual Basic (Declaration)      
Function Get5( _
  As System.String, _
  As System.Boolean, _
  As System.String, _
  As System.String, _
  As System.Boolean _
) As System.Integer

Visual Basic (Usage)    
Dim instance AsICustomPropertyManager  
Dim FieldName As System.String
Dim UseCached As System.Boolean
Dim ValOut As System.String
Dim ResolvedValOut As System.String
Dim WasResolved As System.Boolean
Dim value As System.Integer
value = instance.Get5(FieldName, UseCached, ValOut, ResolvedValOut, WasResolved)

I'm not much of an expert either, but I also use an API with many ByRef parameters in its method calls. The way I solved the problem was to use "early binding" of the COM objects.

To do that, you must first find the Type Library for your API. For SolidWorks, this may be "sldworks.tlb", although I can't really be sure. I see 20 "tlb" files in my [/SolidWorks_path/]\SolidWorks folder, and I have no idea which one you might need, or even if you need all of them. I would start with "sldworks.tlb".

Next, from that type library, you create a Python file that you can import into your code. You do that with the "makepy" utility that comes with the Python COM package. 1. Open a command window in the folder where you keep the Python code you're developing.
2. Enter the command
[/Python_path/]\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\makepy.py -v -o PySldworks.py [/SolidWorks_path/]\SolidWorks\sldworks.tlb This will create a file called PySldworks.py (you can name it whatever you want, of course). Now you can just add "Import PySldworks" to all the Import statements you already use.

Instead of
app = win32com.client.Dispatch('Sldworks.Application')

you have something like
app = PySldworks.SldWorks

Now those calls that return data using ByRef parameters should work with the Python-like form you tried because PySldworks.py has already defined it:
var1, var2, var3 = custPropMgr.Get5(item, False)

If that method has a return code, it will appear before the ByRef parameters:
rc, var1, var2, var3 = custPropMgr.Get5(item, False)

If that doesn't work, you can look in PySldworks.py to understand exactly what it thinks it should do with that method; it is, after all, just another Python file.

If there is another way to solve this problem, I don't know what it is. One of the real experts who monitor this list will have to help you with that.

- Greg Antal

Gregory W. Antal
Senior Technical Advisor
ATA Engineering, Inc.
13290 Evening Creek Drive South, Suite 250
San Diego, CA 92128

858-480-2072 (Phone)
858-792-8932 (Fax)

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