Hi, I'am trying to use adodbapi to wrap a connection to an .accdb MS Access 
database and I'm getting an error when executing a query with a date 
parameter.For what I could deduce the problem is that it converts to COMDate 
only if "settings_known" is set, which seems not to be the case for Access 
querys, and defaults to assuming that the parameter is a string even if it is a 
datetime object.
I have solved the problem changing the following lines of code in adodbapi.py 
(in function _configure_parameter):
 195   elif type(value) in dateconverter.types: 196 (old)     #if 
settings_known and adotype in api.adoDateTimeTypes: 196 (new)     if adotype in 
api.adoDateTimeTypes:   197           p.Value = dateconverter.COMDate(value) 
198       else: #probably a string
This works but it is not very portable as it requires to change library code on 
each installation.
Any suggestions?
I have also tried running it as a stored procedure (with callproc), but in that 
case it tries to retrieve paramenter information (cmd.Parameters.Refresh). 
Which it does without error but getting all blanks. So it doesn´t work either.

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