I have joined this list because I need to learn how to rebuild my antiquated 
Python extension properly for Windows. I need to build for Python 2.7, which is 
old and relies upon old compilers. I downloaded the suggested compiler:


I downloaded the thing that is supposed to correctly glue it to Python:


But I can't see where to go from there.

In my old world I never actually learned how to use distutils or setuptools; I 
was just building my extension with my VC and then shoving it into 
site-packages. As I read the documentation for distutils and setuptools, I am 
SO LOST! I see much about how to install someone else's package, but little 
about how to create and script my own package for building a Python extension 
written in C. Please, can someone point me to a good sample extension package 
that I can copy from?  A "hello world" or something? 

Apart from that, can someone please point me to the documentation for the 
current "right" way of building things, as an extension developer?

Thanks in advance,

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