Am 01.02.2016 um 05:42 schrieb Mark Hammond:
> On 17/01/2016 6:51 AM, Malte Forkel wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying the register a COM server using the install script of a built
>> distribution, created with the  bdist_wininst format of distutils. But
>> the script fails with a message that MSVCR90.dll can't be found.
>> Registering the server after the installer is done works fine. I'm using
>> Python 2.7.11 and pywin32-220 on Windows 7.1 64 bit.
> That sounds a little strange - the script should only be executed
> after python27.dll is loaded, which itself relies on msvcr90.dll.
> Does it happen to work if you put the installer executable in the same
> directory as python27.dll?
> Mark

Yes, same problem if the installer is run from C:\Windows\System32.

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