Hi ,
I hope you're doing well. My name is Sanaa , and I wanted to ask you about
a difficulty that I faced recently. I am trying to automate a couple of
steps using pywinauto in python. I am trying to click the Button called
"Test Instance" in the attached figure. The thing is that the name of the
window is "Site Controller GUI Command Center - Version: OfflineLSM

Here is my tries :

from pywinauto import application
from pywinauto import findwindows
from pywinauto import timings
from pywinauto import application
#initialize an instance of the Application class
app = application.Application()
dlg='Site Controller GUI Command Center - Version: OfflineLSM'
#print app._findwindows.find_windows()


please help me. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you
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