> > (6) Focusing more on Python3 compatibility

> >

> > The end of life of Python2 is at 2020 and therefore I would suggest

> > investing time into making the code compatible to Python3 asap.


> PyWin32 has been Python 3 compatible for many years.  To what are you

> referring?


> Well, we need to run setup3.py for Python3 installation, which is refactoring 
> many files using lib2to3. With the end of Python2 I also expect that this 
> module will become dead.

> These modules are not meant to be used forever, but creating a bridge over a 
> period of time where different standards are used.

> And something that is already overdue is the use of print "bla" instead of 
> print("bla"). Python 2.7 already understands print("bla") without any imports 
> from the __future__ and since 2.6 is EOL, I would begin to fix that at first


All versions of python ‘understand’ `print(“foo”)`.  In python 2, that just 
means `use the print statement to output the parenthesized string “foo”, oh and 
the coder used poor practices and forgot the space`.  Python 2.7 needs the 
future import to get rid of the print keyword.

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