I ahve been trying to communicate with an Instrument GUI using python and a
COM Object. This is quite simple using wincom32, but somethind with this
client required additional extension not needed in other lunguages. I wander
id someone here has experience and can explain how to solve this.in VBS,
PAscal and C# the commands are quite simple, after creting the object in
VBS: set app = CreateObject("LeCroy.XStreamDSO")in Python is similar:import
win32com.clientapp=win32com.client.Dispatch("LeCroy.XStreamDSO") done this
the object I can use is "app"the commands are in
= "single"app.Measure.ClearSweepsin Python I have to add .ActNow() to make
them work to some of these commands, and I do not understand why, I will
have to
= "single"app.Measure.ClearSweeps.ActNow()In C#(Visualstudio 2017)  and
Pascal (Lazarus) I do not have this problem, only in Python.can someone

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