I filed a github issue (#1331), but reading through the other issues, it
became apparent I should use this mailing list instead.  Here is a synopsis
of the problem (cut and paste from the github issue).

   - Expected behavior and actual behavior.

using Python 2.7.5 for 32-bit Windows, using pywin32 219, we do not see an
error loading a COM object. However, for Python 2.7.14 with pywin32 223, we
get the following error message

ERROR: failed to create the foo COM application object.
(-2147024891, 'Access is denied.', None, None)

The interesting thing is that for Python 2.7.14/pywin32 223, if the user
switches accounts, the problem goes away. Given the error above, I suspect
pywin32 has become more stringent in terms of checking permissions, either
by design or by using a different underlying system library, or perhaps an
updated system library.

   - Steps to reproduce the problem.

I need to get this information from the field engineer I am working with -
it might be complicated as this is proprietary code I am working with. Are
there any variables (within Python or an environment variable) I can set to
trace exactly where the error is happening? If there is, that might help me
come up with a reproducer.

   - Version of Python and pywin32

Python 2.7.14
pywin32 223

I also need to find out the version of Windows being (7/8/10, is it a
server version, etc...)
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