Am 27/08/19 um 03:38 schrieb
> I would like to ask, if its possible to connect to a windows
> service somehow with pywin32?
> I can connect to a running LabView application
> with Dispatch("LabView.Application") without a problem. If I make an
> executable from the LabView app, connecting to it is no problem either. 
> But the final goal is that .exe to be run as a background service, I
> used NSSM for that.
> So The LabView app is now running as an .exe, and it runs constantly as
> a background service when the computer starts. If the LabView runs as
> a service, I'm no longer able to reach it with
> Dispatch("LabView.Application"). Is there a workaround for that problem?
> How can I connect to a service? Is there like a
> Dispatch("LabView.Service") or something?

There has been a similar question some time ago. I guess that the
compiled exe has no COM interface, so there is no way to communicate
with it. But both python and LabView can communicate via sockets, so I
suggest to try it that way.


> Regards,
> THunter
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