I wanted to look into using Pythonwin to see how difficult it would be to build 
GUIs using MFC.

I'm having problem in two different places:

1) On remote work machine, I found the path to pythonwin.exe and can launch 
   Under the help menu there, it looks like the "Python Manuals" manual works 
as expected.
   The other option "PythonWin Reference" seemed like the place to start.
   Unfortunately, that simply displays an error dialog: "The help file is not 
   I don't know where that file would be or how to get it registered.

So, I figured maybe something wasn't quite right with that installation.

2) On my local machine, I simply used pip (v 20.1.1) to install pywin32. That 
seemed to install without error.

I found Pythonwin.exe under


But things seem even worse off here.

When I try to execute Pythonwin.exe, I get an error dialog stating:
    "The application can not locate win32ui.pyd (or Python) (126). The 
specified module could not be found."

But win32.ui.pyd exists in that same directory with Pythonwin.exe?

I see the home page for the project here: https://github.com/mhammond/pywin32
The Wiki seems to be empty.
I'm not really seeing links to documentation - am I missing those?
I'm interested in finding introductory tutorials about how to create GUIs under 
the win32 environment.

This is not going smoothly. :(

Can someone help me:
    * sort out the complaint about Help file not registered on my remote 
    * get a proper installation on my local machine so I can run Pythonwin.exe 
without error (preferably with working menu item as above)
    * point me to general tutorials about how to build GUI using win32 wrapper 
to MFC?

Erik Johnson

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