Thanks for the information, that helps a lot.

All the best,
Mike Lewis

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Hammond <mhamm...@skippinet.com.au> 
Sent: Thursday, October 7, 2021 3:15 AM
To: Lewis, Michael L <michael.l.le...@rbccm.com>; python-win32@python.org
Subject: Re: [python-win32] help needed, missing pythoncomload[37].dll ?


On 7/10/2021 12:07 am, Lewis, Michael L wrote:
> Hi,
> Working on an internal system that we’re trying to update (sadly we 
> were still on Python 2.7 ☹…
> One think I noticed is amongst the scripts we have is a dependency on:
> pythoncomloader27.dll (which appears at least to have been part of
> pywin32_system32
> This is referenced in some registry files, e.g.
> [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{80e81c1f-9b39-4a49-9c16-65e7404b
> 809c2}\InprocServer32]
> @="pythoncomloader27.dll"  … presumably I need to update this too….
> "ThreadingModel"="both"
> However when I install the win32 package for Python 3.7; this file 
> seems missing (I just see the pythoncom & wintypes dlls)
> any idea on how I can find/build this? (I’m assuming it’s still needed 
> for the com stuff).

It was only needed with earlier MSVC versions, so isn't necessary for 3.x. You 
can use pythoncom37.dll in its place.


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