pythoncom.CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER means this COM object will be hosted by python.exe - so COM/office is going to look up the registry to get a command-line to execute. As written, that will just re-register the COM server - so yes, you do want that `localserver.serve()`. The default of CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER generally doesn't need an explicit serve() as python.exe isn't used - the DLLs are loaded directly into office - but that probably isn't going to help in a concrete way (ie, the underlying problem would probably exist in both cases)

Assuming it still fails with that: it might be that this command is failing for reasons - eg, if you installed pywin32 via pip and didn't run the pywin32_postinstall script I can imagine things going wrong. The .exe installer runs that for you though.

You mention you found the entry in the registry - does executing that command in a "clean" environment (ie, without any special environment variables etc, from a directory unrelated to python - ie, trying to emulate the same environment office itself runs in) work OK? If it fails importing modules etc, that's probably the same failure when COM tries to start it.

You mention "running code as Administrator" - is Office and this registration code running as the exact same user?

I've currently no environments with Office available, so can't really test at the moment.



On 9/11/2022 2:53 am, Brian Johnson wrote:
Hi python-win32 community.

I am trying to get this toy COM server (code is below) to work. It is the sample code from /"Python Programming for Win32"/ and adapted for python 3.10. When I test it using VBA in Word, I get this error:
Run-time error '429':
ActiveX component can't create object

  * I don't know if I am missing one a required _reg_param_ that is
    needed for Win10.
  * Is there is an extra step I need to take to register/run the COM server?
  * I don't know if win32com.server.localserver.serve [] is necessary.
  * Does the class need an __init__ method to do something?

I appreciate any help or insight into getting this to work. Thank you!
Sincerely, Brian


  * Windows 10, python 3.10, Office 365, running python code as
  * I have verified the python class works in python only.
  * I tried registering/unregistering using both options shown below.
    Both appear to work - no error messages. I can find info about the
    COM Server using Regedit.
  * I tried the --debug flag, but it didn't provide any verbosity.
  * I'm learning COM, but the info about it is sparse and generally very

*Python script,*
"""A sample COM server - almost as small as they come."""
# import sys


"""We expose a simple method in a Python COM object."""

_reg_clsctx_= pythoncom.CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER
_public_methods_= ["SplitString"]
_reg_progid_= "PythonDemos.Utilities"
_reg_desc_= "PythonDemos Test COM Server"
# NEVER copy the following ID
# Use "print(pythoncom.CreateGUID())" to made a new on.
_reg_clsid_= "{819E8336-00B5-4025-979A-46EE1EF411B7}"

# for Python 3.7+
# <>
_reg_verprogid_= "PythonDemos.Utilities.1"
# <filename>.<classname>
_reg_class_spec_= "SimpleCOMServer.PythonUtilities"

defSplitString(self, val, separator=None):
"""Split a string by a separator."""
# if separator is not None:
#     return val.split(separator)
# else:
#     return val.split()


# Add code so that when this script is run by python e.e, it self-registers.
if__name__== "__main__":
print("Registering COM server...")

# if "--register" in sys.argv[1:] or "--unregister" in sys.argv[1:]:
#     win32com.server.register.UseCommandLine(PythonUtilities)

# else:
#     # start the server.
#     from win32com.server.localserver import serve

#     serve(["{819E8336-00B5-4025-979A-46EE1EF411B7}"])

*Word VBA macro:*
Sub TestPython()
     Dim PythonUtils As Object
     Set PythonUtils = CreateObject("PythonDemos.Utilities")
     response = PythonUtils.SplitString("Hello from VB")
     For Each Item In response
         MsgBox Item
End Sub

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