On 2024-04-25 9:29 p.m., Jacob Nolan via python-win32 wrote:

Hi all,

I've been having a reoccurring error across multiple windows installs and python versions (3.9.*-3.11.*) when performing an install of a python windows service.

This is the result of calling *python service_config.py install *on 3.9.5

The error is:

|*copying host exe 'E:\jacobnolan\installed_programs\programs\python39\lib\site-packages\win32\pythonservice.exe' -> 'E:\*|*|jacobnolan||\installed_programs\programs\python39\pythonservice.exe' Error installing service: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (32)|*

For this system, this is not the first python service I have installed. Additionally I've installed multiple services while other python services have been running.

As stated in the error it looks to be the destination pythonservice.exe is being used by another process, so can't be replaced by my installing process.

Is there an approach to handle this?

  * I'm not sure if pythonservice.exe really needs to be replaced each
    install. I was contemplating looking at the service registration
    process to determine if this step can be skipped.

The version of win32serviceutil you linked to isn't the latest, but I assume you are talking about the copy made just after it prints `print(f"copying host exe '{maybe}' -> '{correct}'")`? If so, as the comments note, it doesn't really need to be updated each install, but win32serviceutil takes a conservative approach because it's difficult to know whether pywin32 might have been upgraded. The simplest way to avoid that copy is to just remove the "maybe" file, leaving the "correct" file in-place. I'd be fine with a patch that catches an error making the copy, prints a warning but then continues. It might even be better if that script tried to *move* the file - that should mean that upgrades would still attempt to update it, but otherwise the file is only updated once.


  * Or if I should specify the location of the pythonservice.exe now
    it is in the correct location to access the appropriate DLL's?
    e.g  win32serviceutil service use exeName?

In your other email you mentioned trying to use pyinstaller or similar to package your service - in that world then you almost certainly will want to point it at your own executable, although then you probably just want sys.executable, in which case sys.frozen being set is all you need.



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