On Sun, 2005-10-23 at 04:33 +0200, guy keren wrote:
> the current things i could be helped with are:
First, how do we work?

* Is the HTML hand-written or is it generated from something else?
  What do we send patches against?

  * I think working with plain text source is most convenient for 
    discussions & patches over mail.  http://docutils.sf.net or 
    similar can convert it to nice HTML.

* Could you put it on some public version control?  It will simplify
  keeping updated and managing changes.

  * If not, please use this mailing list as a changelog and bump the 
    version numbers on every change.

* Alternatively, you could answer the above two points by putting it on 
  a wiki.  Up to you -- depends whether you like wiki style of work...

  I can hack an html2wiki for the transfer; it can be converted back 
  when we are done if needed.

  * The Python-IL mediawiki is not quite hebrew-friendly at present.
    Putting up a small moinmoin sounds like best approach to me.
    Nir, what's your advice?

* Licensing: you still haven't decided, right?

> 1. taking the "reference book" i wrote and finish writing it.
I can do that, or at least a big part of it (I'll raise a red flag next
week if I need help).

> 2. suggesting a better layout for the reference book, so it can be:
>     1. easily browsable on the net.
>     2. easy to print.
>    and then implementing this layout.
Layout depends on tools we work with.  I can take this.  Anyway it's not
first priority.

BTW, is the plan useful at all as a separate document?  Currently it's 
a fat subset of the reference, I think we can dump the plan and only 
work on the reference.  We can extract the plan later (or automatically
at any point) if it's useful.

> 3. checking the existing part of the mini-book for correctness, from a
> programming point of view (not proof-reading the english and clarity -
> that will come once the material is there).
Separate mails...

> 4. coming up with ideas for exersizes during the practice meetings, that
> are still marked as "TODO" in the meetings plan.
I would like you to elaborate some of the points in the plan -- I'm not
sure what do you mean so I can't help there.

> 5. writing slides for the first lecture - it is the only lecture that'll
> actually require slides.
> 6. writing mini-slides for the rest of the lectures (showing each item to
> be taught, and 1-2 examples per item).
> 7. thinking of other things that might be useful.
