Go to www.zoozla.com.

It's a media uploader I've developed for my own startup. It's not public
yet, but drop your email there and you should get a download link shortly.
It shows you what you can do with Python and wxPython in terms of GUI and
web automation.

I found Python lacking in two main aspects. When your project grows beyond a
certain size, you begin to feel the need for more clear-cut boundaries
between modules and layers which is usually accomplished with interfaces.
Python has no built-in facilities for that and although there are several
libraries that do that, you should really know what you are doing. It may
become a serious problem if a large  team (more than 3 developers) is
working on your project. The other problem that I encountered is the lack of
a decent profiler for performance tuning. There are libraries to do that
too, but they don't seem to take into account the time spent in C modules
which makes them pretty much useless for wxPython work.

If you don't need cross platform support and your platform is Windows, I'd
probably try to stick to .NET as it is becoming the native API for Windows.
There's a cool language called Boo (http://boo.codehaus.org/) that has
Python like syntax, compiles to pure (and presumably quick) MSIL and has
complete access to all the .NET libraries. I has some of the nice features
that make things productive for Python and I think it might be worth a look.

On 4/16/07, Ronnie Maor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I just joined a new startup and trying to build a case for using python as
the main programming language. Performance shouldn't be a problem for this
application, and the main considerations are quick development cycle and
It would really help if I could give examples of companies that use python
as a significant part of their main application / business logic.
Can anyone give such examples? preferably from your companies, other
israeli companies you know, or well known and successful non-israeli

Omri Reuter - does python play such a role in egloo or is it a glue for
logic in another language?
Ori Peleg - IIRC you mentioned rewriting the ORM for your company in

Another thing:
Before I raised the python idea, the leading thoughts were C# (windows
dependency isn't a problem). My thoughts were on using IronPython with C#
(for extensions, and using .NET libraries), and I think python would be more
powerful as the framework language, with C# in specific areas instead of the
other way around.
One risk is that IronPytnon is relatively new. Anyone have experience with
it? know how stable it is?
anyone think using IronPython or python in general for such a purpose is a
bad idea?

your comments much appreciated

