Il 19/01/2013 12:36, Gianni ha scritto:
il primo paragrafo della wtfpl2 è da cabaret.
-- Gianni

Penso che sia solo quel paragrafo :)

Non so voi, ma a me queste cose mi fanno morire:
dalla sezione FAQ del sito:

A:But profanity is offensive!

R:You know what? Fuck your stance on profanity. Fuck your priorities in life. The WTFPL is about fucking freedom and we mean it. Freedom means freedom to copy and modify and share works of art and science with the rest of mankind, but also freedom to be gay and marry and have crazy gay sex, freedom to have tattoos, freedom to say there is no God, freedom to take the pill, freedom to have an abortion. People die for being gay or atheists. Don’t tell me that there is something sacred enough that it must be protected from the mere existence of the word “fuck”. If the F in WTFPL offends you, then fuck you and your beliefs. Triple fuck you.


A:By the way, with the WTFPL, can I also…

R:Oh but yes, of course you can.

A:But can I…

R:Yes you can.




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