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Dear friends and colleagues

Please join us at *MAQC2019*, the 3rd Annual Meeting of the MAQC Society -
in collaboration with the CHARME COST Action. The meeting will feature
keynotes, panels and contributed talks on all the sessions.  You will also
learn about the advance of the MAQC projects for “reproducibility in 21st
century toxicology”, “machine learning for TILs” and “Computational

Registration is open at https://maqc2019.fbk.eu/registration.html.

*Key information about MAQC2019*:

*Venue*: Riva del Garda, Trentino, Italy
*Date*: April 8-10th, 2019

*Theme*: Reproducibility of Artificial Intelligence in Predictive Medicine
with the following sessions:
- AI in Digital Health
- Standardisation strategies and FairSharing for Digital Predictive Health
- Reproducibility of ML on massive data in medicine
- AI and ML for predictive medicine

Contributed talks/posters are more than welcome.

Please submit your abstract no later than *February 15, 2019* (please act
Note that we have prizes for best student contributions sponsored by JMP
and Nature Biotechnology.
*For sponsors*: we have sponsorship opportunities (more information is
available from the MAQC2019 website: https://maqc2019.fbk.eu/ ). Please
contact maqc2...@fbk.eu for further information.

Please visit the MAQC2019 website (https://maqc2019.fbk.eu) for information
about the venue. Riva del Garda (Italy) is a beautiful Venetian-style town
in the Northern shores of the famous Garda Lake. It is located in Trentino,
the premiere Alpine region for outdoor sports and natural environments, at
1h drive from Verona Catullo airport, well connected to the main European
hubs. Venice is at about 2h drive.

As a Society, MAQC is promoting one of the main worldwide actions on
communicating, promoting, and advancing reproducible science principles and
quality control for analysis of the massive data in life sciences, medicine
and pharmacogenomics, firmly based on scientific results and an active
international network.
Learn more about MAQC society from https://www.nature.com/articles/nbt.4029.

Valerio Maggio
on behalf of the MAQC2019 Local Organising Committee.

Cesare Furlanello FBK <fur...@fbk.eu>, MAQC President
Weida Tong <weida.t...@fda.hhs.gov>, Chairman of the MAQC Board
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