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Dne 21. 2. 2017 17:37 napsal uživatel "Milan Čapoun" <

> Dobrý den,
> dovoluji si vás oslovit - do naší *úspěšné startupové společnosti
> ThreatMark (threatmark.com <http://threatmark.com/>)* hledám *šikovné
> vývojáře Python s tahem na bránu*. Vyvinuli jsme produkt v oblasti
> Financial Fraud detection, primární zákazníci jsou banky a finanční
> společnosti. Nyní se rozšiřujeme, a hledáme posily pro náš team.
> Pokud by vás níže uvedené informace zaujaly, neváhejte mne kontaktovat na
> kontaktech uvedených na konci emailu.
> *Krátká popisná videa* můžou přiblížit produkt rychleji, než dlouhé
> povídání:
> https://youtu.be/2ZvlfpfsGlA
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-5xjoDXll8
> *Threatmark je unikátní startup*, kde je možnost pracovat na strategickém
> a do značné míry revolučním produktu. Na rozdíl od velkých korporátních
> společností jsme menší semknutý team s velkou mírou svobody v práci a
> hlavně s bezprostředním výsledkem své práce, který je okamžitě nasazován do
> produktu k zákazníkům. Hledáte-li větší naplnění než "chození do práce,"
> případně vám nevyhovuje velké korporátní prostředí, může být Threatmark
> místo pro vás.
> V případě zájmu vám rád napíšu více a nebo nejlépe zavolám. V tuto chvíli
> uvádím aspoň *základní popis naší společnosti/produktu od našeho
> technologického tahouna Kryštofa:*
> We are IT security startup. We are group of about 15 people based in Brno
> (with second office in Prague).
> Our goal is to secure web & mobile channels for internet banking
> applications (and cards in near future).
> Problems we are fighting:
> - user installs financial malware (willingly as bundled into another app,
> by exploit, by social engineering)
> - users credentials get stolen (phishing, social engineering)
> - user losts his credit card
> - user's phone used for second factor of authentication was hacked/stolen.
> We solve this by monitoring everything which happens on users device and
> banking backend eg.:
> - Transactions (by HTTP parser)(unsupervised anomaly detection / single
> class classification)
> - Navigation between pages in IB (Javascript / HTTP) (Markov chain stuff)
> - Mouse movements and keystroke dynamics (Javascript) (features like fly
> and dwell time, neural nets, random forests)
> - Device unique fingerprint (Javascript) (entropy of features, computation
> of distance of two devices)
> - Accelerometer, gyroscope, GPS, touchscreen (hardware deviations caused
> by process of "chip creation", user biometry)
> There are many competitors on market, but they are focusing on single area
> - e.g: how to technically detect malware, how to detect phishing.
> Our approach is different, because we collect lot of data and from that we
> are answering questions:
> - Is it the same device as this user used before (or attacker) ?
> - Is the same guy behind the device (behaviour biometry)
> - Does the actions performed in session make sense (like sending 100% of
> account balance to russian account)
> We achieve this by combination of tech/security/hacker knowhow and machine
> learning.
> By this I mean that we employ both rule based approach, supervised and
> unsupervised learning.
> Some algorithms/techniques we use: neural nets, random forests, entropy
> enomaly detection, bayesian networks, LSAD
> Technology: python, sklearn, scipy, pandas, numpy, javascript (real ECMA
> stuff, not jQuery animations :)), C++ (hunting milliseconds here),
> Apache/Nginx/Haproxy, Unix, Oracle DB, MariaDB (hundreds of millions rows
> in each table).
> Project status:
> We are there for about 2 years, received seed investment (about $200k) and
> we are in the process of gaining another 1.5mil $. We have few PoCs and
> first two paying customers. Our next step is to raise capital to accelerate
> both development and sales effort. So far we are existing only in Czech and
> Slovak republic, but we want to go "outside" soon.
> *We are not looking for regular employees/workers but for smart, excited,
> enthusiastic winners with inner motivation to change the world.*
> If you are interested, let me know and let's discuss it further.
> --
> Milan Čapoun
> Head of development
> *ThreatMark s.r.o.* | Digital Identity Sensing Company
> Pražákova 10| 619 00 Brno | Czech Republic
> Mobile: +420 601 350 975 <+420%20601%20350%20975> | *www.threatmark.com
> <http://www.threatmark.com/>*
> Email: *milan.cap...@threatmark.com <milan.cap...@threatmark.com>*
> Please consider the environment before printing this email
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