Don't worry guys, I am sure we will find a good solution for that. We are
familiar with programming, If we couldn't find any way, we'd wrote it.[?]

Farsheed Ashouri,
Lead Technical Director / Research & Development,
Arang Studios,
Tehran, Iran.
Cell No: +98 936208 9858


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  • ... Ozgur Yılmaz
    • ... Chad Dombrova
      • ... Farsheed
        • ... kurian os ™ ®കോപ്പിയടിച്ചാല്©ഗോതമ്പുണ്ട!
        • ... alessandro pepe
          • ... Dimitry
          • ... Farsheed Ashouri
            • ... alessandro pepe
            • ... kurian os ™ ®കോപ്പിയടിച്ചാല്©ഗോതമ്പുണ്ട!
            • ... Chad Dombrova
            • ... Farsheed Ashouri
            • ... Farsheed Ashouri
            • ... John Creson
            • ... Paul Molodowitch
            • ... Paul Molodowitch
            • ... Michiel Duvekot

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