Thanks Dave for the example.

The problem is that I couldn't get the example running. Following is
what I executed in Maya :

import example

This outputs the following :

# Result: <example.ExampleUI object at 0x2268B6A8> #

Then on running  :

ExampleUI.Display() , I get an error saying ExampleUI is not defined.

Any idea where am I going wrong. Thanks for the help,


This gives an error saying that ExampleUI is not defined. What am I
doing wrong

On Sep 29, 7:24 pm, David Moulder <> wrote:
> Ok,  Here's and basic example with PyQT and a QListWidget...
> Please note.  This use's a modified pumpThread module.  The default one from
> the maya dev kit has given us lots of problems.
> Thanks to some very clever people on this list we now have a working
> pumpThread module that is heavily tested here at work.
> from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
> import pymel as pm
> import pumpThread
> class ExampleUI(QtGui.QDialog):
>     def __init__(self, parent=None):
>         super(ExampleUI, self).__init__(parent)
>         # Set some basic properties on the UI
>         self.setWindowTitle('ExampleUI')
>         self.setObjectName("ExampleUI")
>         self.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose)
>     # Add a Layout and set it to the UI
>         self.mainLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self)
>         self.setLayout(self.mainLayout)
>         # Add a Button and set some properties.  Also add it to a layout.
>         self.RefreshButton = QtGui.QPushButton()
>         self.RefreshButton.setText("Refresh")
>         self.mainLayout.addWidget(self.RefreshButton)
>         # Add a list and set it to the layout
>         self.SelectionList = QtGui.QListWidget()
>         self.SelectionList.setMinimumSize(250,250)
>         self.mainLayout.addWidget(self.SelectionList)
>         # Connect the Refresh Button to a function to populate the list
> using SIGNAL's
>         self.connect(self.RefreshButton, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"),
> self._RefreshButtonFunc)
>     def _RefreshButtonFunc(self):
>         '''
>         Fill the list based on a maya selection
>         '''
>         oSel = pm.selected()
>         if oSel:
>             self.SelectionList.clear()
>             [self.SelectionList.addItem( for s in oSel]
>         else:
>             self.SelectionList.clear()
>     @staticmethod
>     def Display():
>         '''
>         calls the window.  Typical PumpThread call
>         Use's a modified pumpThread that properly set's up the thread.
>         '''
>         # We need a global to stop python gc the UI
>         global mainWindow
>         # We need pumpThread to make the UI responsive
>         pumpThread.initializePumpThread()
>         app = pumpThread.get_app()
>         if app:
>             # We can set the app to use a nice style
>             app.setStyle('Plastique')
>             mainWindow = ExampleUI()
> ExampleUI.Display()
> I'll post our final pumpThread later today.
> -Dave
> On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 6:42 AM, floyd1510 <> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > I have got PyQt up and running in Maya 2009. I was wondering if
> > someone could guide me to a few examples, like adding a list of
> > objects from maya into the QT listview or adding items dynamically to
> > a combo box etc.
> > I appreciate the help.
> > Cheers,
> > Vikram.

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